Good old days, those twenties: short hair, shorter skirts, rebellious behaviour, cool parties. Wait, wait, I am not talking about my (everlasting…) twenties. I might come back to reflections about the gap between “calendar age” and “felt age” at a later time. I mean here the Roaring Twenties, that infamous era of Prohibition, of Charlie Chaplin, Duke Ellington, Josephine Baker and Louis Armstrong, Joan Crawford, Louise Brooks and the young Coco Chanel, feathers, layers of pearls and Art Deco, F Scott. Fitzgerald and his ” Great Gatsby”, Al Capone, illegal parties with loads of alcohol and Charleston in the so-called speakeasies. And yes, we women received our right to vote during that era.

In a “speakeasy” in Frankfurt wearing a Jil Sander top, Miu Miu chiffon skirt and Prada Mary Janes pumps; some ot the pearl necklaces are heirloom and some I have bought during several travels and in antiques markets.

Joan Crawford, American movie star in twenties look; picture downloaded by the Library of Congress (USA), acquired from the Bain Collection

Clara Bow, American silent movie star and style icon of the 20s; picture downloaded by the Library of Congress (USA), acquired from the Bain Collection
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