Recently in Riccione – the first shopping destination on the Italian Adriatic Coast – I discovered those stilettos in a shop window.
Extravagance meets craftsmanship, creativity and elegance. Unfortunately, I spent only a few hours in Riccione and the store was closed in the afternoon (common in small Italian towns). So I could not find out more about those incredible shoes other than the brand name “Mugnai“.
Unfortunately, I did not find this sample in any other shop in Parma or Rimini, but then, hidden in a small shop in Parma, I discovered a pair of no less beautiful corraline sandals from an older collection of the Mugnai House.
I put them on on a beautiful summer evening in Frankfurt and felt again the Italian flair in the air. Gorgeous shoes can work miracles!
In the hope to see the creations of Signore Mugnai soon in Germany, I wish my readers a nice second half of the week!