July 29th, 2013

Firenze, Rimini, Parma – My Architectural Digest

A trip to Italy without numerous architectural and historical impressions is unthinkable. I visit some works of architecture every time I am there and capture them on my camera again and again. Some of them I discover for the first time. Here are a few personal photographic memories during my last trip in June.

Florenz: Ponte Vecchio über den Fluss Arno, an einem strahlenden Juni Tag

Ponte Vecchio over the Arno River, on a bright sunny June day


Palazzo Strozzi, the imposing Renaissance building in the middle of Florence, hosts very interesting temporary exhibitions which I like to visit each time I stay in the city. The tourist flows here are not nearly as present as in other Florentine sights.

“Di fragilità e potenza” (On fragility and power), a very poetic and at the same time powerful installation by the Italian artist Federico Gori in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi

Die Ausstellung im Palazzo Strozzi, die gestern zu Ende ging. Ich bin stolz auf unseren albanischen Künstler Anri Sala, der mit seiner Videoinstallation

The exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi, which ended yesterday. I am proud of our Albanian artist Anri Sala who was represented with his video installation “Dammi i Colori” about my hometown Tirana.


Parma: Blick auf die Piazza Garibaldi in der Abenddämmerung

View of the Piazza Garibaldi (the main square of Parma) at dusk

Das Baptisterium von Parma aus dem 13 Jahrhundert beeindruckt mich immer wieder mit  seiner Fassade aus rosafarbenen Verona-Marmor

The Baptistery of Parma built during the 13th century always impresses me with its pink Verona Marble facade.

An der Treppe des Baptisteriums von Parma: Brille von Retrosuperfuture, Tasche von Roberta di Camerino

On the stairs of the Baptisery of Parma: Sunglasses by the italian brand Retrosuperfuture (which I bought in Rimini), bag by Roberta di Camerino

Jeden Morgen mit Blick über dem Battistero di Parma aufzuwachen ist bestimmt etwas ganz Besonderes.

Waking up every morning with a view to the Baptistery of Parma must be definitely something very special.

Diese sehr interessante Wohnung fotografiere ich jedes Mal, wenn ich in Parma bin.

Every time I visit Parma, I take pictures of this very interesting apartment.

Parma: Der monumentale Eingang zum Cittadella-Park gebaut aus Carrara-Marmor

The monumental entrance to the Cittadella Park made of Carrara Marble (I love the tilt-shift feature of my camera which allows me to take pictures like this)


La Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli im Fellini Park in Rimini.

“La Fontana dei Quattro Cavalli” in Fellini Park

Rimini hat mehr zu bieten als immer gleiche Strände; an der Ponte di Tiberio, die römische Brücke aus dem Jahr 20 nach Christus

Rimini offers more than beaches very similar to each-other; at Ponte di Augusto e Tiberio, the Roman bridge finished in 20 AD 

Wish to all my readers a wonderful start of the week!

2 thoughts on “Firenze, Rimini, Parma – My Architectural Digest

    1. Jonela Hoxhaj Post author

      Dear Amantia, I bought the Camerino bag a few years ago in Venice where this wonderful bags brand is based of. You can even buy Camerino bags on their online shop powered by Yoox. If you love vintage shops sometimes you can find there old gorgeous Camerino bags, especially in Italy. I boought once a vintage clutch of her in a tinny vintage shop in Munich.

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